Alfie's big day .... back to his clinic for his Timband fitting

On the 06/12/2012 Alfie had his Timband fitted by the lovely "Steve" at Technology in Motion in Leeds". I was very nervous but excited about it and grandma came with us for support. First of all Steve measured Alfie's head again as it had been two week since his assessment. The measurements had changed and got a little worse.

At his assessment his Cranial Index was 102% and Asymmetry was 18. On the day of fitting his Timband his Cranial Index was 104% and Asymmetry was 19.

After a few adjustments with Alfie's helmet at this appointment it was fine fitted correctly and sat nice on him. He looked so cute and didn’t have a care in the world.

                                                                 Day One

We left the clinic with a following appointment a week later. We had to go through the weaning process to help him adjust to wearing the Timband.

Day 1. 1 hr on 1 hr off and not to sleep/nap in it

Day 2. 2 hr on 1 hr off and same again no napping or sleeping in it

Day 3. 4 hr on 1hr off and go to bed with it on but once settled remove it

Day 4. 8 hr on 1hr off and sleep in it from now on

Day 5. 11.5 hr on half hr off
Alfie adjusted to his Timband with no problem and slept in it from day 3 with no problem. He slept all night before he started this treatment and nothing changed when wearing his Timband. I remove his helmet for half hour in a morning and half hour in an evening. Or sometimes wait until evening and give him a full hour without it especially if he is taking a bath with big brother Oliver (2) as it takes a little longer.

                              Day One ..... No problems with having an afternoon nap !

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have left the comment before but not sure if it went through? Really interested in the blog as going through the same and was wondering if u could kindly tell me if ur son’s treatment was successful and is it affecting him at all now? Thank u and wish u all the best!
