Scary decision about taking Alfie for his assessment

I noticed Alfie’s head was not the shape it was suppost to be around the middle of October 2012. After a lot of research and advice from a friend and family I decided to take him see his GP’s to ask advice and see what they suggested, this was in November. Also within these few week I saw his head changing shape and becoming worse. The GP did say it looks like Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly but once Alfie starts sitting and more tummy time his head would probably correct its self. Alfie was referred to see a paediatrician at our local hospital but the first available appointment was not until 3 month down the line. If I waiting for the appointment Alfie would have been 6 month old and if the paediatrician was concerned he would have to refer to a different hospital and possibly another 3 month waiting list for his next appointment taking him to 9 month.

I made the decision to take Alfie to a private clinic who deal with Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly for an assessment, grandma (my mum) came with us. I was very nervous about taking him as I knew this was the start of a his journey to correct his head and I knew we would be coming away knowing that he needs to wear a Timband to correct it. The lady (Sandy) at the clinic was very nice and caring, she explained everything and took the measurements of alfie’s head. I did not know that it was as severe as it was, I was a little shocked. He was charted in the “very severe” category.

Photo's of Alfie's head the day before his assessment at the clinic.

Alfie's scan and severity chart. At assessment his assymetry was 18mm and cranial index 102%, two week later when his Timband was fitted his head had got a little worse measuring 19mm and 104%.

Sandy advised me to go away and have a think about it and talk it over with my partner. I told her I did not have to we had already discussed it and if he needed the helmet then he will have it. Therefore Alfie was measured and his Timband was ordered after we chose the design of it (his as aeroplanes, cars, helicopters etc on it and is blue). The cost of his full treatment would be £1950.00 with a deposit of £500.00. Of course we do not have that kind of money but my grandma offered to lend us the deposit and I knew we would be able to raise the funds (although didn’t know how at that point). From his assessment we had to wait 2 week (which brought it to 06/12/2012) before his Timband would be fitted with payment required on the day.

This is Alfie's Timband with the colour and design we chose.

1 comment:

  1. Lets promote awareness and prevention so other parents and babies to not have to suffer this:
